Jefferson Hack (Dazed founder og editor mm.) har skrevet en bog sine tanker om tidsånden…nogen vil sikkert tænke selvfed opsnavset modemafia London x-punk reklamebrat der spiller socialt bevist Slavoj Žižek/Jenny Holzer for at skjule sit grådige indholdstab…nej, Jefferson Hack har noget på hjerte:

““Para-real” may be the moment we recognise that the artificial is the new norm and that there in the multiplicity of causality is where “I” becomes pluralised. Perhaps the title of this book, We Can’t Do This Alone, is an affirmation of that. The “We” is in many ways a reference to our many selves. In a para-real world of multiplicity, one of me is clearly not enough.”

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